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Flying Physicians Fly In 2010 – 24 Planes /54 Doctors arrive in Santo Domingo

By February 15, 2010July 15th, 2022No Comments

Higuero. Santo Domingo. 54 north american doctors arrive last week to the country the Isabela airport, in 24 airplanes full of medical supplies and tools to help in the Haiti relief efforts from the United States and Dominican Republic.

This doctors arrived from various cities of the United States, are the Flying Physicians Fly-In 2010.

The 24 airplanes where received in the airport by IDAC officials: Miguel Balaguer, Sub Director, Carlos Leroux, Private Aviation Comite President and Juan Belliard, DA Director, also representing Lic. Aristides Zucco, Secretary of State, and Executive Director and coordinator of the Dominican-Haitian Aerial bridge.

The doctors – tourists will meet with the Public Health Minister, Doctor Bautista Rijas Goméz, andwill visite the first hospital constructed in America, The San Nicolas de Barí

The Fly In 5 day activities program include offering assistance to the orphanage Love a Child, in Ford Parisien, located at 20 miles from the Dominican Border in Haiti.

FPA Website

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