Maria Batlle, young Dominican student aviation pilot school from the Yuvina Foundation Green Airport, was selected by Abingdon Watches for a scholarship from the renowned annual conference of women pilots, WAI (Women in International Aviation), held this year in Dallas, Texas.
Abingdon Watches specializes in making watches for women pilots.
Batlle also has the rank of “Commander: in the “AND”, The Dominican Naval Auxiliaries and takes part in training and live search and rescue operations in the Dominican Republic.
Batlle, who was congratulated by the Ambassador of Curaçao for being the only woman present at the training conducted with the Dutch Coast Guard with the Dominican Navy and the AND last year.
Also, she is known as Supermaria VJ (LiveVideo Performer & artist), and is Creative Director at McCann Erickson advertising agancy in the Dominican Republic.
Congrats to Maria, Woman in Aviation