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SANTO DOMINGO —The businessman Armando D’Alessandro, National Commodore
of The Dominican Naval Auxiliaries of the Navy reported today that a group of airplanes from the Auxiliary Air Wing, the Dominican Aeroclub 74, and of the Aeroclub Quisqueya de Santiago, will fly to different regions of the country that could be flooded and isolated by the passage of the Storm Isaac, to inspect the situation accompanied by COE personnel, the Navy and the press.

Inspection plans are being drawn up at the International Airport Dr. Joaquín Balaguer, and coordinating with the Operations Center of the Dominican Air Force, its Rescue Squadron, and the Department of
Flight Standards of the Dominican Institute of Civil Aviation (IDAC), for be carried out when the weather conditions are normalized, and the Planes and helicopters can fly safely.

The Dominican Naval Auxiliaries and their Air Wing are an institution of pilots and captains of vessels with a spirit of service that voluntarily they are the civil arm of the Dominican Republic Navy, that supports the government in the event of air and naval accidents in Dominican coasts, and are activated whenever they are required by the Navy.

The National Commodore pointed out that the flights will be effective as soon the weather conditions will surely allow it, and the volunteers receive coordination instructions for affected places, height of flight and reporting procedures to guide the help that will be needed in the places inspected from the air and the sea by the Naval Auxiliaries Dominicans.

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